Thursday, May 4, 2006

What is it?

Pop quiz: what is the diagram at right?
A. abstract art
B. a depiction of a straight and narrow path vs. a less direct road, symbolizing the obstacles in life
C. two lines
D. bulging beer can
E. contour of my tummy roll before and after the miracle product, SPANX

If you chose A and E, you are Coorrrrect! That's right, after putting on a pair of SPANX
Power Panties, the tummy roll disappears, just like magic! Not only that, there are no panty lines, the thighs are slimmed, and all that extra fat and cellulite is squeezed in for a thinner, smoother shape. I first heard about these from Weddingbee and I was eager to try them out not only for my tight-fitting qipao but for other dresses in my wardrobe that show off my tummy roll. I also wanted to slim my thunder thighs so that I could sit down in my qipao without ripping the seams. So after breaking out a sweat trying to get into a pair, I was pleased to say goodbye to the roll and to slip into the qipao with less strain than before. This time I was able to sit more readily and there were no unsightly bumps and ridges under the dress. Never mind the minute mini muffin top that the tightness created -- it didn't show! And surprisingly, once I got them on, they were pretty comfortable. Maybe I will wear control top hose on top to really reign things in.

I'm thinking of getting the
Higher Power version which controls all the way up the body (and below the boobs, of course). Would this be an appropriate Mother's Day gift? hehe


Anonymous said...

I never understood how these control top things work. So it squeezes the rolls down? I mean it has to be squeezed somewhere right? I always imagined the rolls to be squeeze to the edge of the control top panties.

BTW, I came across your site from Wedding Bee. I am looking to plan on a Chinese wedding myself, but am having trouble finding a venue that isn't a Chinese restaurant. I come from a small Canadian city and the banquet halls don't allow for external caterers (not to mention if the Chinese resturant would do catering). I went through your site and I realized the thing about the centerpieces! Lazy susans can't accomodate that!

Anyway, after that ramble, I look forward to hearing more about your wedding plans. I need ideas!

just r said...

Hi plumsauce! I think the control underwear works by compacting the fat (it doesn't create additional bulges for me) rather than squeezing it somewhere else. However it works, all I can say is that it works!

I'm glad that this site has been helpful to you. Unfortunately I don't know anything about Canadian venues. Here in NY, there seems to be a similar problem of sacrificing food for decor or vice versa. Since I'm a porker, I opted for good food!